Reuben Jalapeno Poppers

Reuben Jalapeno Poppers

A Reuben inspired appetizer that is perfect for parties, tailgates and cookouts. Made & photographed by @BBQwithBoterman.

Prep 10 mins
Cook 20 mins
Ready-in 30 mins
Yields 16-20 Poppers


1 14oz can Franks kraut (drained)
1 8oz block of cream cheese
8oz shredded Swiss cheese
10oz cooked corned beef
8oz rye chips
8-10 jalapeno peppers (depending on size of peppers)
Thousand Island dressing for dipping.


  1. Preheat oven to 375ºF
  2. Place Frank’s kraut, cream cheese, Swiss cheese, and corned beef in a large bowl and mix well with a hand mixer or stand mixer.
  3. Slice jalapeño peppers in half lengthwise and scoop out all seeds and membranes from each half.
  4. Fill peppers with cheese mixture and place on a cookie sheet.
  5. Crush rye chips so they are the consistency of panko breadcrumbs.
  6. Dust each popper with a layer of rye chips and bake at 375ºF until jalapeño poppers are tender.
  7. Let cool and serve with Thousand Island for dipping.