Spicy Tuna Sauerkraut Sushi roll from Blu Coral Chi

Spicy Tuna Sauerkraut Sushi roll from Blu Coral Chi

Prep 20 mins
Cook 10 mins
Ready-in 30 mins
Yields 1 Servings


1 sushi mat
1 piece sushi nori (seaweed) wrapper.
1 cup sushi rice cooked, (prepare in advance; add rice vinegar to the cooled, cooked rice before using).
1 scoop mayonnaise Spicy, (1/2 cup mayo, 2 tbsp hot chili, 1 tbsp hot sesame oil.)
1 cup Frank’s Kraut Frank's sauerkraut rinsed, drained and chopped.
Sashimi grade tuna chopped.
1 tbs fish eggs
1 tbs Oil Chili


  1. The trick to sushi is wrapping your sushi mat with plastic wrap before starting.
  2. Combine the tuna, sauerkraut, spicy mayonnaise, fish eggs and chili oil in a bowl. Place the nori on the mat.
  3. Distribute a layer of rice across the nori.
  4. Place a large scoop of the tuna mixture on the rice and distribute evenly.
  5. Roll.
  6. Cut into five pieces. Plate.

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