Classic Grilled Hot Dogs with Frank's Kraut Flavors

Classic Grilled Hot Dogs with Frank's Kraut Flavors

Grill out with Frank’s Kraut! A traditional grilled hot dog topped with Frank’s Sweet & Smoky BBQ Kraut and Frank’s Mustard Kraut with Dill Pickle Relish.

Category Dinner lunch
Cuisine American
Prep 1 mins
Cook 15:00 mins
Ready-in 15:00 mins
Yields 8 servings


8 Hot Dogs, all beef
1 16 oz jar of Frank's Mustard Kraut with Dill Pickle Relish
1 16 oz jar of Frank's Sweet & Smoky BBQ Kraut
8 Hot Dog Buns
Additional Toppings
Yellow Mustard
BBQ Sauce
Dill Pickle Relish
Chopped Onion


  1. Grill the hot dogs on a hot grill, turning once.
  2. Warm Frank's Kraut Flavors in an adjacent pan or in foil.
  3. Toast buns on the grill.
  4. Add the Hot Dogs to the buns.
  5. Top with the Frank's Kraut Flavor of your choice and add any additional toppings you would like!