Air Fryer Crunchy Kraut Frizzles

Air Fryer Crunchy Kraut Frizzles

The perfect Air Fryer side dish for grilling. Recipe and photo by @BBQwithBoterman

Prep 10 mins
Cook 00:20 mins
Ready-in 00:30 mins
Yields 1 Bowl
Cooking Method Air fryer


1 14 oz can Frank’s Kraut drained
1 cup cornstarch
Vegetable or Canola Oil Spray
2 teaspoons Salt
Black Pepper (to taste)


  1. Preheat Air Fryer to 400º F
  2. Drain kraut and place in a clean kitchen towel to ring dry, over the sink. Do your best to get it as dry as you can.
  3. In mixing bowl, toss dry kraut with cornstarch, salt and pepper. Place in air fryer and spray liberally with oil.
  4. Air Fry in 2 batches for 7-10 minutes, toss and spray more oil after 5 minutes, cook until each batch is golden brown on both sides.
  5. Serve as a garnish for salads and burgers or as a snack with your favorite drink. Enjoy!